Overcoming the Chicken-and-Egg Dilemma with P2P EV Charging

Australia’s transition to EVs has been hampered by the lack of public infrastructure.

Australia is at a critical juncture in its shift towards electric vehicles (EVs). With global pressures mounting to reduce carbon emissions and adopt sustainable transport solutions, the nation faces a significant challenge: the chicken-and-egg problem of investing in EV infrastructure without sufficient economic incentives from widespread EV adoption.

This dilemma is where peer-to-peer charging steps in, offering a solution that empowers communities and accelerates the transition to sustainable transportation.

1. The Chicken: Australia's Electric Vehicle Adoption

The world is shifting towards electric vehicles as countries combat climate change and seek cleaner alternatives to traditional fossil fuel vehicles. However, Australia’s transition has been hindered by key obstacles, notably the lack of adequate infrastructure to support widespread EV use. Sparse public charging stations contribute to range anxiety—a major concern that discourages potential EV buyers. Without a reliable charging network, drivers hesitate to embrace EVs, fearing inconvenience and uncertainty about where and when they can recharge.

2. The Egg: Infrastructure Investment

Investing in EV infrastructure is crucial to building driver trust and confidence in making the switch. However, public EV infrastructure is costly and requires substantial funds. Yet, the financial viability of these investments remains uncertain without a critical mass of EVs on the roads. Private investors and businesses can be reluctant to commit funds to infrastructure projects without clear forecasts of usage and returns on investment. This creates a challenging situation where the infrastructure needed to encourage EV adoption lags behind due to insufficient EV numbers—a classic chicken-and-egg dilemma.

3. The Transition: Investing in EV Infrastructure


The recommended ratio for convenient and accessible EV ownership


The current ratio in Australia

In recent years, Australia has seen a surge in investments aimed at strengthening EV infrastructure. Governments, businesses, and energy providers have collaborated on initiatives like the Electric Vehicle Council's Fast Cities Network and the Australian Government's Future Fuels Fund. Despite these efforts, Australia currently averages 40 EVs per public charger, far from the recommended 10:1 ratio needed for convenient and widespread EV ownership. This disparity perpetuates range anxiety, particularly affecting the 35% of Australians unable to install home chargers due to living in apartments, renting, or lacking a driveway.

4. Peer-to-Peer Charging: Empowering Communities

One fast and economical solution to Australia's EV infrastructure challenge is peer-to-peer charging. This model allows EV owners to share their home charging stations with others in their community, effectively expanding the charging network and empowering individuals to take charge of their EV experience.

Platforms such as Ivygo empower homeowners with private EV chargers to register their stations for use by community members. Through the Ivygo app, EV owners can easily locate nearby charging stations, book sessions as needed, and compensate homeowners for the electricity consumed—all within a secure and seamless transaction process.

How It Works:

  • Registration: Homeowners securely register their EV chargers on the Ivygo platform.

  • Accessibility: EV owners find nearby charging stations via the Ivygo app, ensuring convenient access even in areas lacking public infrastructure.

  • Transaction: Charging sessions are facilitated through the app, ensuring transparent payments where homeowners earn income by sharing their electricity supply.

Range anxiety remains a significant barrier, especially for the 35% of people who cannot install a home charging station...
— Julie Perrissel

Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Charging:

  • Community Engagement: Ivygo fosters community resilience and sustainability by leveraging local resources to support EV adoption efforts.

  • Convenience: Ivygo makes it convenient to charge your EV by allowing you to book in advance at a location that suits you.

  • Scalability: As EV numbers grow, Ivygo's network expands organically, complementing government-led infrastructure initiatives with a scalable solution.


Australia's journey towards widespread EV adoption requires collaborative efforts and innovative solutions. By embracing P2P charging, Australia can overcome the chicken-and-egg dilemma. These initiatives not only promote environmental sustainability and reduce emissions but also empower communities to actively participate in shaping a cleaner, greener future.

Looking ahead, the path to EV adoption in Australia is paved with opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and shared commitment. Through platforms like Ivygo, we can build a resilient transportation network that benefits all Australians, inspiring confidence and driving positive change. Join us in transforming transportation—one charge at a time with Ivygo.

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Embracing P2P EV Charging: Lessons from the UK