Boost Your Small Business: Become an Ivygo Host

Imagine planning a relaxing day in the Hunter Valley, excited for a leisurely lunch at a picturesque winery, only to end up spending two hours in a shopping centre, waiting for your car to charge. This was the reality my husband and I faced during a recent trip. What should have been a serene day turned into a frustrating ordeal, forcing us to once again choose between sustainability and convenience.

This experience underscored how essential convenient EV charging is for drivers, but it also revealed a missed opportunity for the winery. If that winery had an EV charger, our day would have gone differently. It made me realise just how valuable Ivygo can be for small business owners. By becoming an Ivygo host, you can turn the growing need for convenient charging solutions  into an opportunity to enhance your business.

Here’s how Ivygo can help you attract more customers, boost your revenue, and stay ahead of the competition:

1. Attract New Customers

EV drivers are always on the lookout for convenient charging options. By offering this service, you can draw in new customers who may have otherwise passed by, increasing foot traffic and potentially boosting sales. For instance, a driver who needs to charge their car could choose your location over another, bringing in not just one-time visitors, but potentially repeat customers.

2. Generate Extra Income

As an Ivygo host, you have control over pricing and availability for your charging points. You set the terms, and you benefit from renting out your chargers to your customers, minus a small service and payment fee. You could earn around $1,500 annually for just one charging session per week per charging point—adding a valuable and easy revenue stream to your business.

3. Maximise Parking Space

Unused or underutilised parking spots can be transformed into charging stations. This not only makes the most of your space but also attracts more visitors who are looking for a place to charge and spend time while they wait—whether that’s shopping, dining, or exploring your business.

4. Enhance Your Brand

Offering EV charging shows your commitment to sustainability, which resonates with eco-conscious customers. As the number of EVs in Australia continues to rise, the demand for convenient charging solutions will only grow. By providing this service, you align your brand with a greener future, enhancing your image and appeal.

5. Stand Out from Competitors

In a competitive market, every advantage counts. Offering EV charging can set your business apart from others. The added convenience may make your location the preferred choice for customers, especially those searching for a place to charge their vehicles. Ivygo drivers in your area will have the opportunity to discover your business, offering a new way to bring customers through your doors.

6. Prepare for Fleet Electrification

If you’re considering transitioning your fleet to electric vehicles, hosting a charging station is a practical first step. It not only makes the transition smoother but can also lower future costs as you’ll already have the infrastructure in place.

7. Gain a Competitive Edge

With EV adoption on the rise, having a charging station gives you a competitive edge. Early adopters can attract more customers and demonstrate leadership in sustainability. As more people switch to EVs, businesses with charging points will naturally attract a larger share of this growing market.

8. Easy Setup and Management

Ivygo’s mobile app simplifies the setup and management of your charging points. It handles everything from checking availability and booking times to processing secure payments, making the process seamless. The setup cost for private chargers is minimal compared to public options, and if you have solar panels, you can further maximise your revenue by powering the chargers with renewable energy.

By becoming an Ivygo host, you’re not just investing in EV infrastructure; you’re investing in the future of your business. Imagine the convenience of a customer booking a charging session while reserving a table at your restaurant—turning what could be a frustrating wait into a seamless, enjoyable experience. Ivygo is about making sustainable choices easy and profitable, and we’re here to help you make the most of this opportunity.

Ready to get started? Join Ivygo today and be part of the EV charging solution that’s driving more business your way.


Peer-to-Peer EV Charging: How It Works and Its Benefits